The essential assessment tool for teachers
Thousands of searchable KS3, AQA GCSE and A-level Science questions.
Use them to create shareable documents for all types of formative assessments including class activities, homework tasks and topic tests.
AQA reporting tool with simple mark entry, clear and useful reports and population comparison.
Interactive exemplars of student responses to GCSE and A-level questions.
Science assessment made easy.
Question banks
Exampro is a question bank containing thousands of Science GCSE and A-level exam questions as well as over 900 KS3 questions.
Filter questions quickly and easily, using the search tool.
Drag and drop questions into your new document.
Export to PDF, Word or the Cloud, or share via web-link. Watch this video to learn more about sharing via weblink.
With Exampro, assessment is impactful and time well spent.
Highlights is an interactive tool that allows teachers to explore how AQA questions are marked. It provides examples of real responses and explains why these answers received – or lost – marks.
View different levels of response to the same question.
Use Highlights to select different aspects of answers to past AQA questions. Focus on areas that gained a student marks or where and why a student lost marks then view the summative comment to understand the examiner’s overall judgement.
Perfect for CPD and use in the classroom.

Make the most of your students’ AQA assessments.
Instant reports
View, print and share detailed reports on your students’ strengths and weaknesses.
Population comparison
Compare your students and classes with others who took the same tests at a similar time*.
Data export
Download reports to Excel for further analysis.
*This information will be available as soon as enough marks have been entered.
What’s extra for Science

GCSE Science topic tests
These tests cover each topic in the GCSE specifications. The Word versions contain AO information in the mark schemes and feedback forms alongside the tests. The feedback forms enable self and teacher assessment so students and teachers can work together to identify strengths and weaknesses.
The GCSE Science topic tests are included with the Secondary Science Package or any GCSE Science subscription.

GCSE Science Required Practical Resources
These resources cover all 28 of the AQA GCSE Required Practicals. They are ideal for use after a practical has been completed to deepen and embed students’ learning.
Each set of resources includes:
- Easy to edit teacher/ technician notes.
- Easy to edit student worksheet.
- A PowerPoint presentation that supports classroom discussion.
Download a sample (Biology – Osmosis):
Teacher/technician notes (docx)Student worksheet (docx)Presentation (pptx)
Available packages
GCSE Chemistry (8462)
GCSE Biology (8461)
GCSE Physics (8463)
GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy and Synergy (8464 8465)
Key Stage 3 Science
- Over 7,000 questions
- Mapped to the current specifications
- Selected from past exam papers plus the specimen papers
- Legacy specifications available in the archive
Search by:
- Specification
- National curriculum area
- Question type
- Maths requirement
- Working scientifically …and more
Additional content:
- Highlights: interactive annotated exemplars for 2018 extended response exam questions
- Maths for Science question bank (beta)
- End of topic tests
- Ready-made tests for each topic
GCSE Chemistry (8462)
GCSE Biology (8461)
GCSE Physics (8463)
GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy and Synergy (8464 8465)
- Over 6,100 questions
- Mapped to the current specifications
- Selected from past exam papers plus the specimen papers
- Legacy specifications available in the archive
Search by:
- Specification
- Question type
- Maths requirement
- Working scientifically
- Topic …and more
Additional content:
- Highlights: interactive annotated exemplars for 2018 extended response exam questions
- Maths for Science question bank (beta)
- End of topic test
- Ready-made tests for each topic
GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy and Synergy (8464 8465)
- Over 2,800 questions
- Mapped to the current specifications
- Selected from past exam papers plus the specimen papers
- Legacy specifications available in the archive
Search by:
- Specification
- Question type
- Maths requirement
- Working scientifically
- Topic …and more
Additional content:
- Highlights: interactive annotated exemplars for 2018 extended response exam questions
- Maths for Science question bank (beta)
- End of topic tests
- Ready-made tests for each topic
GCSE Biology (8461)
- Over 1,200 questions
- Mapped to the current specification
- Selected from past exam papers plus the specimen papers
- Legacy specifications available in the archive
Search by:
- Specification
- Question type
- Maths requirement
- Working scientifically
- Topic …and more
Additional content:
- Highlights: interactive annotated exemplars of 2018 extended response exam questions
- Maths for Science question bank (beta)
- End of topic tests
- Ready-made tests for each topic
GCSE Chemistry (8462)
- Over 1,000 questions
- Mapped to the current specification
- Selected from past exam papers plus the specimen papers
- Legacy specifications available in the archive
Search by:
- Specification
- Question type
- Maths requirement
- Working scientifically
- Topic …and more
Additional content:
- Highlights: interactive annotated exemplars of 2018 extended response exam questions
- Maths for Science question bank (beta)
- End of topic tests
- Ready-made tests for each topic
GCSE Physics (8463)
- Over 1,100 questions
- Mapped to the current specification
- Selected from past exam papers plus the specimen papers
- Legacy specifications available in the archive
Search by:
- Specification
- Question type
- Maths requirement
- Working scientifically
- Topic …and more
Additional content:
- Highlights: interactive annotated exemplars for 2018 extended response exam questions
- Maths for Science question bank (beta)
- End of topic tests
- Ready-made tests for each topic
Key Stage 3 Science
Key Stage 2 Science
- Over 1,300 questions
- Mapped to the current national curriculum
- Selected from past exam papers plus the science sampling test
- Legacy question banks available in the archive
Search by:
- Topic
- National curriculum year
- Level
- Working scientifically
- Source …and more
Additional content:
- Key Stage 2 Science project
GCSE Science Required Practicals
A resource to help support the delivery of the 28 Required Practicals. Use them to rethink and revise the learning, deepening and enhancing students’ understanding.
Contents for each Required Practical:
- Editable word versions of the Required Practical Handbooks including teacher/technician guidance and student worksheets
- PowerPoint presentations to help students reflect on the practicals
A-level Physics (7407 7408)
A-level Chemistry (7404 7405)
A-level Biology (7401 7402)
- Over 5,200 questions
- Mapped to the current specifications
- Selected from past exam papers plus the specimen papers
- Legacy specifications available in the archive
Search by:
- Specification
- Level
- Question type
- Maths requirement
- Source …and more
Additional content:
- Ready-made tests for each topic
- Biology, Chemistry and Physics Highlights: interactive annotated exemplars
A-level Biology (7401 7402)
- Over 1,100 questions
- Mapped to the current specifications
- Selected from past exam papers plus the specimen papers
- Legacy specifications available in the archive
Search by:
- Specification
- Question type
- Maths requirement
- Maths demand
- Topic …and more
Additional content:
- Ready-made tests for each topic
- Biology Highlights: interactive annotated exemplars
A-level Chemistry (7404 7405)
- Over 1,500 questions
- Mapped to the current specifications
- Selected from past exam papers plus the specimen papers
- Legacy specification available in the archive
Search by:
- Specification
- Question type
- Maths requirement
- Maths demand
- Topic …and more
Additional content:
- Ready-made tests for each topic
- Chemistry Highlights: interactive annotated exemplars
A-level Physics (7407 7408)
- Almost 2,500 questions
- Mapped to the current specifications
- Selected from past exam papers plus the specimen papers
- Legacy specifications available in the archive
Search by:
- Specification
- Question type
- Maths requirement
- Maths demand
- Topic …and more
Additional content:
- Ready-made tests for each topic
- Physics Highlights: interactive annotated exemplars
Reporting tool for GCSE Science
Marking grids for:
- 2019 and 2020 papers
- Autumn 2021 when they are available
- End of Year 10 Test
Each product is limited to three simultaneous sessions. If you require wider use, please extend your subscription at just £10 per additional simultaneous user.
Your order includes unlimited teacher login accounts.
VAT will be added to all prices at the current rate.