History: grade descriptors for GCSEs graded 9 to 1
Updated 6 September 2017
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1. Grade 8
1.1 To achieve grade 8 candidates will be able to:
- demonstrate relevant and comprehensive knowledge, using first order concepts, combined with a sophisticated understanding of key features and characteristics
- construct a convincing line of reasoning using second order concepts
- critically analyse and evaluate, to reach reasoned, substantiated judgements:
- a range of sources, in context, to investigate historical issues
- interpretations and why they may differ
2. Grade 5
2.1 To achieve grade 5 candidates will be able to:
- demonstrate mostly accurate and appropriate historical knowledge, using first order concepts, combined with a clear understanding of key features and characteristics
- construct a coherent line of reasoning using second order concepts
- analyse and provide some evaluation, to reach reasoned judgements, of:
- a range of sources, in context, to investigate historical issues
- interpretations and why they may differ
3. Grade 2
3.1 To achieve grade 2 candidates will be able to:
- Demonstrate generalised historical knowledge, using everyday language, and basic understanding of key features and characteristics
- Construct a basic line of reasoning with some reference to second order concepts
- Comprehend, to draw simple conclusions:
- sources to provide some investigation of historical issues
- interpretations to identify similarities and differences